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Villa de Las Flores in Imperial Valley Celebrates Día de Independencia de México

Residents in Villa de Las Flores danced the afternoon away in celebration of Día de Independencia de México, or Mexico's Independence Day. As a holiday of great importance to many in the community, the celebration on September 15th has been an annual event at Villa de Las Flores for many years. In cooperation with Villa de Las Flores property management, our PSCDC Resident Services Coordinator, Layla Perez, was able to bring back the community celebration after not being able to do so last year due to the pandemic.

Residents honored their Mexican heritage and roots by wearing their ropa Mexicana tradicional, or their traditional Mexican clothes. In addition, residents prepared and shared traditional Mexican dishes such as nopales, chicharrón con chile, beans, and rice for the party. Property manager, Rosa Torres, even stopped by to share her homemade mole with everyone and connect with the residents! Beverages as well as additional snacks were provided by Layla and PSCDC while another resident brought her community-famous pineapple cake for dessert.

Our close friends at Sure Helpline Crisis Center, a local agency that offers our Imperial County residents with health resources, services, and assistance, supplied our residents with another cake to enjoy along with some goodies to raffle off.

Residents enjoyed dancing the rest of the day away with Spanish music played by a wireless music player provided by a resident. Residents thoroughly enjoyed celebrating their Mexican culture and Mexico's Independence Day with friends and neighbors. Thank you to Layla, Villa de Las Flores property management, and Sure Helpline Crisis Center, for bringing back such a highly anticipated celebration to the Villa de Las Flores community!



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