SDG&E: Additional Energy At The Lowest Prices For Medical Equipment
If you need certain medical equipment in your home, our friends at SDG&E have you covered! Their Medical Baseline Allowance Program provides additional energy at the lowest price to help you save money on your energy costs.
To qualify for this discount, you must have a qualifying medical condition or use qualifying medical equipment:
Qualifying Medical Conditions
• Compromised immune system or life-threatening illness
• Hemiplegia
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Paraplegia
• Quadriplegia
• Scleroderma
Qualifying Medical Devices
• Air Mattress/Hospital Beds
• Apnea Monitors
• Breather Machines (IPPB)
• Compressors/Concentrators
• Motorized Wheelchairs
• Respirators
• And many more devices! To see the full list of qualified medical devices, click here.
To find out if you qualify, apply for the Medical Baseline Allowance Program, or to learn more, visit their website here.
No one chooses to be dependent on electrical equipment for their well-being, but if you or someone in your household has a qualifying medical condition or have certain medical devices, electricity is essential. Don't forget to also protect your health and safety by updating your contact information at You will receive advance notifications if hazardous conditions result in a Public Safety Power Shutoff!