Spring PSCDC Financial Literacy Workshop Series with Mechanics Bank
PSCDC has teamed up with another of our financial partners, Mechanic Bank, to provide information to our residents and anyone interested in building financial skills and independence. We invite you to join us!
The series of workshops will run through March and April, with material and topics presented by representatives from Mechanic Bank. Topics include relatable and essential information to establish solid financial foundations such as:
Banking Basics presented by Elvira Gonzalez, March 16 at 4:00 PM
Budgeting presented by Rafael Galva (Brawley Manager), March 30 at 4:00 PM
Credit Score & Reports presented by Lupita Islas (SVP Community Affairs), April 6 at 4:00 PM
Buying a Car presented by Dino Cornejo (Indio Manager), April 20 at 4:00 PM
These free workshops are open to the public and hosted online through Webex Meetings. To get information to join the webinars via video call or phone call, scan the QR code on the flyer below using your phone's camera, or use the following information:
To join online/join via video call:
*Must download Webex Meetings on your computer/tablet/phone
Meeting number (access code): 2479 878 0064
Meeting password: mQaSGr5P3r8
To join via phone call:
Call: 1-415-655-0001