Willow Glen Apartments Continues Resident Services Throughout Quarantine
For several months now Willow Glen in Sacramento has been shut down due to California's COVID-19 self-quarantine order. Resident Services, however, continued virtually. Judi Boston-shedd, PSCDC's Resident Service Coordinator in Willow Glen, created and distributed a comprehensive guide of available services back in May. The guide provided online and physical resources for residents to reference everything from food, unemployment, health, legal, and even entertainment. In addition, residents have sought assistance in editing documents and accessing computer distributions.
In June, the food distribution program resumed in Willow Glen by following the new CDC guidelines and safety regulations. Masks are required, no more than 2 residents are allowed to shop at a time, hand sanitizer is provided upon entering, and temperatures are taken. Previously, these distributions were held monthly. However, due to resident confinement and increased need, PSCDC began holding them every week. Residents have been able to keep their pantry stocked with an abundance of fresh fruits, veggies, diary, and meats throughout the summer. Thank you to Chyrell English from Crusaders of Faith Church for picking up the food supplies from Sprouts and delivering them to us. Along with these groceries, our partnership with Cake4Kids has provided scrumptious cupcakes and cookies each week for our shoppers during their "Just Because" campaign.
In August, two Bike Doc events were planned. Bike Doc is a city sponsored event that provides free repairs by experienced technicians to get residents back on the road and stay active. This is an important event to give residents back a sense of freedom and exercise in this time of quarantining. As an outdoor event, both events had to be unfortunately cancelled because of the hazardous air quality due to the fires across California. PSCDC plans to collaborate with Bike Doc again in Spring.
While the new school year has begun, all classes at this time are being held online. Willow Glen's After School Program had always been heavily attended. In lieu of onsite tutoring, Judi Boston-shedd has assured parents that she is available for contact via email or zoom to help with their students' needs. With the After School Program going online, Judi believes that this makes her more available to them than previously during a two hour program each day.
Looking to the future, Willow Glen's PSCDC Resident Services Coordinator continues to look for more opportunities to provide services to our residents. With any luck, Willow Glen will be back to normal operations by the end of the year.
Thank you to Judi Boston-shedd for authoring this post!