Lakeside Residents Become American Idols!
As the new academic year starts, we, at our clubhouse at Lakeside in San Leandro, California, are creating a strategic curriculum based on our students’ interests.

Volunteer Danielle Gols teaching piano notes
As preparation for the 4th of July, art and creativity projects were paramount. We decorated the clubhouse with flags, rockets and stars. Nevertheless, we wanted to have even more fun - so we all became rock and roll stars!
Student playing the guitar Student showing the C Major Scale
For three days we studied the principles of music. With the help of Julie Andrews and excerpts of The Sound of Music, we learned the names of the musical notes. We also mastered the graphic representation of notes, notions of harmony and melody, G and F clefs, played the guitar and the piano and ended up composing our own original song! Becoming an American Idol is a truly great way to celebrate our Independence Day!

Students practicing how to write notes and clefs

Student notes of clefs and notes