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February Food Distributions at Chatham Village Apartments

Our Chatham Village Apartment residents in Orange County received extra support with securing food for their households in February! Martha Venegas, PSCDC Orange County Director of Services, ensured that her residents do not go hungry throughout the month. Throughout February, the Chatham Village community hosted seven food distribution events which provided 388 boxes of food for residents!

Every Friday, a Park-in-Market distribution is held to supplement food supplies to those who are the most affected by COVID and its restrictions. A total of five Park-in-Market distributions were held, with the number of food boxes distributed reaching a total of 265 boxes of food for the program alone!

Chatham Village February Park-in-Market Numbers:

Friday, February 1st: 55 food boxes distributed

Friday, February 5th: 55 food boxes distributed

Friday, February 12th: 50 food boxes distributed

Friday, February 19th: 55 food boxes distributed

Friday, February 26th: 50 food boxes distributed

Total of February Park-in-Market food boxes distributed: 265

Two community-wide food distributions provided further support to all residents during the month. The monthly food distribution, held every third Tuesday of the month, was arranged for February 16th and provided a total of 60 boxes of fruits, vegetables, and pantry-ready food! On Saturday, February 20th, Martha collaborated with the Tusting Community Foundation to deliver an additional 63 food boxes to her residents.

Chatham Village February Food Distribution Numbers:

Tuesday, February 16th: 60 food boxes distributed

Saturday, February 20th: 63 food boxes distributed

Total of February Food Distribution food boxes distributed: 123

In total, the Chatham VIllage community received 388 boxes of food in February. Our distributions in Orange County would not be possible without the support and supply of our food bank and distribution partners: Second Harvest Food Bank, Tustin Family and Youth Center, Meals on Wheels Orange County, Tustin Community Foundation, and the City of Tustin.


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