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Cesar Chávez Villas Stays Cool Through Summer with Community Pool Party

Residents at Cesar Chávez Villas in Coachella beat the summer heat by having a community-wide pool party hosted by their PSCDC Resident Services Coordinator, Arely Molina. This summer kick-off event was made possible by collaborating with Cesar Chávez Villas management. The pool party was a day full of fun and memories for residents of all ages.

The turnout for the pool party was incredible, as a big part of the community dressed for aquatic fun. For safety reasons, any attending child was required to be accompanied by an adult. Young residents splashed, swam, and laughed throughout the event with their friends and neighbors. Luz Vallejo, Imperial Valley's PSCDC Regional Director, brought even more fun by bringing a variety of poo toys for the kids to play with. For the adults, it was an excellent time to soak in some sun, socialize with others, and relax.

No pool party is complete without some refreshments though! During the event, residents were also treated to free food, drinks, and snacks to go along with the fun. Pizza, drinks, ice cream, and even nachos were being enjoyed by party-goers! A massive thank you goes to Cesar Chávez Villas managers, Gloria Pantoja and Luis López, for paying for the refreshments and allowing us to host the pool party.

PSCDC staff also brought their own gifts for residents! Arely and Luz hosted a raffle for attending residents. Lucky residents walked away with various prizes that included school supplies, pool toys, and candies. Alongside the raffle, every kid went home with their own goodie cup. The coo color changing goodie cups were filled with candies and prepared by Arely and Diego Vallejo. They served as the perfect memento of the summertime fun for the kids.

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